Jul 7, 2014: Tim's Dream – Elijah's Dream – John's Visions

Home Forums Prophetic Dreams and Visions Jul 7, 2014: Tim's Dream – Elijah's Dream – John's Visions

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    • #684
      Immanuel Sun

      The night before Tim and little Elijah had two very interesting dreams. I think they are very prophetic in nature, pointing us to the time we are in.

      Dream 7–6–2014 – Animal / Lion Attack

      From brother Tim Pinson Jr

      We had heard that animals, lions in particular were gathering and fearlessly attacking people. At first we were in a vehicle driving around the country side, not on roads, just throughout the hillside. We saw that the reports were true. Lions were gathering, and they had a plan. We then saw that Elephants were in force too, huge herds of them.

      A number of people gathered in a large house to prepare to fight. We knew there would be 3 sets of attacks. The first would be the elephants, then the lions and finally, wild people (similar to those who fought along side the orcs in The Lord of the Rings). Everyone was gathered in different parts of the inside and outside of the house. Each group seemed to have different strategies of how to handle the attack and fight back. Some were too fearful and did not know what to do, so they just cowered in fear. I can remember being scared, but prepared to fight none the less and awaited the first attack, moving from room to room and looking outside to see when it would come.

      I had grabbed 2 knifes, as I expected that I would have to fight the lions with them. Then we saw the elephants coming. A huge heard of very large elephants, and at great speed, headed straight for the doors of the front of the house. There was no stopping them and they came with unimaginable force and broke through the front of the house with a stampeded and over-ran many people. I was able to jump behind a wall and wait out the “run”. It ended quickly and then we knew it would be the subtle attacks of the lions next.

      The openings of the house were closed and darkness came as we awaited the lions attack. After waiting a bit, I remember thinking that they would try to come in from the top floor of the house, like an unexpected ambush and attack from above. I backed up, in the room I was standing in, to be able to see the balcony above in case they came from there. I was actually thinking of how I would attack the lion with my knives when they came.

      Then it was as if I suddenly went into a vision. I saw the lower half of a young girl who had gone into the upstairs bathroom being taken through the ceiling of the bathroom (it had the tile ceiling). I knew it was a lion who had taken her and I was immediately upstairs ready to fight. I will still thinking it was a vision of the attack but realized it was actually happening and saw that this lion was actually the leader of the pride. He was a huge male lion and was now coming into an upper room to attack another young lady that was laying down near the second floor balcony looking below.

      Immediately I broke through the fear of realizing that this was not a vision and became quite angry and attacked this lion with a number of stabs with my knifes, the final stabs were to his heart. He fell away. Another man (cannot remember who, but someone I knew) came and began to cut the animal open and set him up for a public display to the rest of the lions so they would know their leader had been killed.

      We began to leave the house when the whole structure fell over to the side. The fall did not seem to cause injury to anyone but we all had to run from the house. Not sure what was happening out side, but certain announcements were being made (seems to be of further direction and explanation of what had just happened). I remember that ### (wife of a dear brother) was there with her girls. Seems the brother had been killed in the battle. His body was not torn or cut. She was carrying him out to but him in a body bag, softly weeping. I ran over to help her and looked at Brad with sorrow. I ran my hand over his forehead and hair and remembered this wonderful man and tried to console his wife. She was brave and seemed to be at peace.

      End of Dream

      Note by Sun: Tim was led to share his dream from last night. Elijah, about 7 yrs, was hearing it, then shared his dream from last night. After hearing it, we believe it is rather the continuation of his dad’s dream, the three waves of attacks that will impact the people with him.

      Elijah’s Dream – Battle with Orcs – 7–6–2014

      I dreamed that I was in a castle with other people and we were were talking and discussing a battle that we were going to engage in against orcs.  I was dressed in armor and I had a shield but I did not have a sword yet. We then went outside the castle to fight the battle.  Outside and beyond the castle, the land was scorched and burnt and there was a deep orange sunset.  We could see fire from the torches of the orcs out in the battle field as they came toward us.  I then saw beside me was a rack of swords and I went over to choose a sword to use for the battle.  I found one and took it out.  It had an inscription on it that said “The King’s Sword”.  That is when I realized that this was a steel sword and not like the swords that we had been playing battle with (wooden ones).  I then realized that this was a real battle and became afraid and ran back into the castle into a room.  I was there and afraid because of the reality of the battle that was going on.  I then heard some noises and yelling. Men were yelling because some orcs had stormed into the castle. I decided to draw my sword and when I came out of the room I saw three orcs there.  I held my sword out and it shone with a golden light which drove away the orcs.  I then decided to go back outside the castle to the battle. When I went outside, my sword shone even brighter and the whole army of the enemy ran away.

      End of dream

      7/6/2014 John’s Visions during Prayer time on Sunday

      While we were praying as a group today in our Sunday meeting, I saw 3 visions:

      1. The hilt of a sword. It was pointed downward. The hilt was golden but not ornate. In fact, it was rather simple and plain. It had two simple guards protruding from both sides of the handle that curved slightly downward. The gold seemed to be rather muted in color. It did not shine or glimmer as if it were shiny gold. There was a simple and humble look to it.

      2. The lid of the ark. I saw an image of the golden lid of the ark. It was as if it were a photograph revealing the intense golden color of the lid. Bright light was emitting from it.

      3. Campfire. I was a bit confused by this image, so I asked the Lord to confirm it. He then showed me a pictogram image of a campfire, similar to the one pictured below, to confirm that it was indeed a campfire that I was shown.

      Sun had clear understandings of the meaning of these visions. I will ask him to expound.

      (Jul 7, 2014 | 10:34 AM) Note by Sun:

      Here are some of the understandings I had as John shared his visions, allow me to elaborate on them a bit now. 

      The three visions speak of the same thing, that is His Kingly wisdom and order is coming to us. In detail, each speaks of a different reality, order or season, with these our “identities or names and titles” in Christ Jesus and God the Father. But all three works into one:

      1. Sword: The heavenly reality at this time. There is a war waging. (Rev. 12, Matt 11) ;
      2. Throne of God: The eternal order of Heaven that God is enabling us to enter into;
      3. Campfire: The war plan, if it can be so called, for his Church on earth. The main message: His heavenly hosts are sent before us; His Ark is moving with us; His Glory will find “a dwelling place” in the midst of us;

      If put in the orders or ways of the ministry in the Heavenly Place, before the Throne of God, then these indicate that God is leading us into the fulness of His order or Glory in the coming seasons of His works toward us:

      1. Sword: the place of surrender and sacrifice (death unto flesh and blood, the lowly glories of this age, the living things of the earth.). In this, God restitutes His covenant with us as God of His people. (Sons of Abraham and Sarah, Priestly Education).
      2. Glory above the Mercy Seat: The Throne of God, speaking the invitation and anointing(covering, enveloping, encamping) of His Glory, from which comes His authority and His power. In this He reigns and teaches us as His royal sons to reign with Him. (Princes, the true Israel, sons of Jacob and Rachael. Kingly Education)
      3. Campfire: Speaking of the Feast of Tabernacles, where His Plunder is shared and His Feast is enjoyed. In this, we become the “people of God”, where His will be in every tent, not just the tent or house He prepared for Himself. (Sons of God and the Heavenly Jerusalem. Two portions becomes one in the Father and from Him. )

      The decorative nature of the sword speaking of it as a token of or devotion and reverence when hold by one is entrusted to serve a honorable (holy) course, or of authority and power when hold by one in a honorable (holy) position. It should be different from one used for battle, which is to be wielded outside the gate of the ruling place (city or palace) of a kingdom. Another evidence points to this is the way it is directed. In a battle, a sword is usually hold up or swayed around; but in a hand of a king, the sword, when pointing down from the throne, usually is often an act accompanied by the entrustment or command given to a subject, esp. when involving matters of war, thus the granting of authority and power. And in the hand of a priest, it is applied to an animal of sacrifice when it being killed or divided before being put on an altar of fire.

      This also, in my assessment, is related to the sword in Elijah’s dream as the “sword of the King”, or the true word of God being passed unto them. For the ministry of the word of God will “sanctify a holy people” as the “bride of Christ”, thus being considered as the sword in the hand of priest; also when “undoing the work of the devil”, the other side of the same coin, it is to be wielded as “rods or swords” of judgment of righteousness and punishment of destruction.

      The perfect example for us to gain more insight is to ponder on the story when the Angle of the Lord called on Joshua to lay down his sword. Beyond this amazing act of God’s divine intervention for a generation, here lies a great mystery of God’s “war plan” across the ages. A hint of this: in the time of Jacob, God sent His angles to camp with him on his journey to the Bethel, “house of God”. It is recorded that before Jacob wrestled the “Angle of the Lord”, then met with Esau and built ”a house and set up booths” in the Transjordan, he also knew he was camping with another “company” which were no other than the angles of the Lord. Notice the word “company” here, when we exam Psm 68:11 and Jer. 31:13–14, 22, we can see a divine transaction meant to take place, this “company” of divine beings (elohim-holy ones, judges or messengers) become of the ones who will carry the Good News of the Kingdom of God. Some believe this particular place, where the two companies camped, is near Adam, even is Gilgal itself. (It also relates to the defeat of the Midianites in Gideon’s time, on the negative side, speaking of the forfeiting of sonship or prince-hood in God).

      But notice the word “house” here, it should remind me of the revelation of Jacob had about the “house of God”, it actually means “a dwelling place” or a tabernacle. This word has its root from the Hebrew word “covering”, which is used for describing the wings of "the cherubim of glory overshadowing the mercy seat.” (Heb. 9:5, Psm.68:13); or the shroud (Isa 25, covering, veil, face) in a negative sense, before the holiest place, where everything of “flesh and blood” will have to be sacrificed ahead in order to “enter” or “rebirth” into the glory of God. This indicates “the spiritual death” or “the first death” of a holy one or son of God. (If you are interested, pls refer to my writing of “Crossroads and Signposts” for more understanding.)

      In this light, reflect on the story where God told Moses that He would send His angle before them. This same angle, the captain of heavenly hosts, a foreshadowing of the warring Christ, were with Joshua and his people, as shown in Judges 5. In Gigal, after the people (“sons" of the camps of Israelites) were numbered and circumcised, He came to meet Joshua. As tokens of Joshua’s entering into His heavenly order and the fore-ordained plan of God for His “victory of plundering His enemies”, were two interesting interactions:

      1. Joshua had to take off his sandal before entering into the holy ground, the promised of might or power of God against their enemies. This is different from the holy ground before the presence of God which is rested upon the Ark of the Covenant. Evidently by this time, Joshua, unlike Moses, had not been allowed to enter and stand upon it, even he had already been commissioned by Moses, God Himself and the Israelites. (A similar story happened to David the King before he welcomed Ark of the Lord into the tabernacle he set up for God.)

      2. He was commanded to lower his own sword and kneel for the sword of the captain of heavenly hosts, or “the sword of the King”. Evidently, the angels of the Lord was sent ahead of them to prepare a place for “tabernacle” or “tent” of God, where the heavenly hosts will assemble or “camp”, and there is divine order for Joshua be ushered into and then command the Israelites to follow.  

      Please read Rev. 19 and compare it with the portion of Scripture I shared in Isa. 25, and again refer to Acts. 10, evidently, this “killing” and “offering” of the “unclean animals”, the bodies of beast, bird and reptiles, are not merely talking about a future event, rather it points to, in real time, a heavenly reality and order given to Peter and those with him to act upon. That is they were entrusted with the “conquering” of “Gentiles” (beasts) for Christ, to possess them as “their spiritual inheritance”.

      In this light, it is certainly worth for us to have a careful study of Psm 68 (esp. verse 10–36),  and ask God to open our “eyes” to see into His heavenly order and great Kingdom Plan, esp. for our time.

      Let me just give a couple of examples.  The word “women” or the “company" who are to proclaim the “Gospel”, evidently, is a picture of the Church (Jer 31.), actually speaking of the Feast of Tabernacles, or Marriage Feast of Christ, where the “sons of God” is “birthed out”. Then what does this mean for us at this present age? To narrow it down, it is actually speaking of the Discipleship of Christ, under His order, the Order of the Royal Priesthood of  Melchizedek (John. 16:16–33). 

      Here is a reference from Strongs for this word: 

      1. בַּיִת bayiṯ: A noun meaning house, dwelling, family, temple, palace. It is used basically to denote a building in which a family lives (Deut. 20:5) but can also refer to the family or household itself (Gen. 15:2; Josh. 7:14; 24:15). It often is used of a clan such as “house of Aaron” (Ps. 115:10, 12; 118:3). Sometimes it means palace or dynasty when employed in the Hebrew phrase “house of the king” (Gen. 12:15; 1 Kgs. 4:6; Jer. 39:8). When the Old Testament speaks of the house of the Lord, it obviously refers to the Temple or Tabernacle (Ex. 23:19; Dan. 1:2). The word is also found in place names: Bethel, meaning “house of God” (Gen. 12:8); Beth-shemesh, meaning “house of the sun” (Josh. 15:10); and Bethlehem, meaning “house of bread” (Gen. 35:19).

      The campfire is the place where food (meat) were prepared and plundered were divided, the first portion of which certainly will belong to God.  It actually means stones on which to cook meat, or saddle-bags which will carried the plunder. Concerning the first imagery, now you can quickly be reminded of Jacob’ setting up the “stone or rock” for the House of the Lord; the 12 stones God commanded the Israelites to setup after they crossed over Jordan at Joshua’s time; the stones where Elijah offered burnt offering when challenging the the prophets of Baal.  ( Please also examine Gen. 14–15, Isa. 8–9.) The second, are the stories where Abram and Divid divided their plunders(Gen .14, 1 Sam 31.),

      God is indeed ushering us into His Heavenly Order, the order of Melchizedek. 

      • This topic was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Immanuel Sun.
      • This topic was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Immanuel Sun.
      • This topic was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Immanuel Sun.
      • This topic was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Immanuel Sun.
    • #5512
      Immanuel Sun

      Per chance the Lord brought me back to this thread few days ago. He urged me to revisit it again today, starting with Tim and Elijah’s dreams, which I didn’t read last time.

      I never quite understood the meaning of the three kinds of enemies shown in Tim’s dream. When first heard the dream, the Lord told me that He will reveal to us what they represent in the days to come. As I read the dreams, curious of what they are. The Lord began to reveal them to me:

      – elephant: the political christianity in America, represented by the modern day Pharisees: Republican conservativism.

      – lions: the Jewish christianity, propogated by the zionist movement in modern christianity, esp in America. They can called as the modern day Judaziers, diluting the gospel of the spiritual and heavenly Kingdom of God with the aspiratiins of an earthly Jewish people and its political agendas.

      – Orks or demons in human form: the humanistic christianity. Much can said of this wicked and formidable enemy. Its perversion and folly is now for the whole world to behold.

    • #5513
      Immanuel Sun

      Per chance the Lord brought me back to this thread few days ago. He urged me to revisit it again today, starting with Tim and Elijah’s dreams, which I didn’t read last time.

      I never quite understood the meaning of the three kinds of enemies shown in Tim’s dream. When first heard the dream, the Lord told me that He will reveal to us what they represent in the days to come. As I read the dreams, curious of what they are. The Lord began to reveal them to me:

      – elephant: the political christianity in America, represented by the modern day Pharisees: Republican conservitism.

      – lions: the Jewish christianity, propogated by the zionist movement in modern christianity, esp in America. They can called as the modern day Judaziers, diluting the gospel of the spiritual and heavenly Kingdom of God with the aspirations of an earthly Jewish people and its political agendas.

      – Orks or demons in human form: the humanistic christianity. Much can said of this wicked and formidable enemy. Its perversion and folly is now for the whole world to behold.

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