1. Immanuel’s Email to Kenya Leadership (Edited from the first draft of Jan. 1, 2023)
Dear Brother Moses and Sister Violet:
Happy New Year to you all and the saints with you! We are so encouraged by the many blessings the Lord poured out to us in the past year from your midst. And are also looking forward to the new ones He will certainly bring this year and in the years to come.
God’s work starts always with the day of small things or small beginnings. Translate that into our modern day language, that is He starts with the basics or elementals: from principle to practice.
One of such basic principle, whereas natural life and economic is but a reflection or a training ground for a spiritual life and reality, is that we will always reap what we sow.
Actually this is one of the basics of God’s covenant with man from the very beginning. If we meditate on the story of the first family of man who led us step by step into a cursed way of life, we will easily witness the pattern of man’s refusal to be blessed by God. Why Adam and his seed had to work in a land of full of thorns and thistles, with of sweat on their brows, because they had rejected the economy of God. Why was God pleased with the sacrifice of Abel, but displeased with that of Cain? Because Cain’s offering was defiled by its “beginnings”, it is a product of a cursed economy. Whereas Abel mostly likely brought God milk and honey, the undefiled part of our covenantal provisions that God, in His Goodness and Patience, still made available to those who are diligently seeking righteousness and wisdom.
(A note here for clarity during editing: I was meant to say, after he offered his duty of redemption the first-borns, symbolized by milk which nourishes them-the best food from the animal world, Abel was then able to bring his gift as a tribute or thanksgiving the first-fruit offerings, symbolized by honey which is the cream of all flowers-the best food from the planetary world. These two items are symbolic of His spiritual food provisioned by God the Father to His spiritual sons, which was Adam’s right for a spiritual life had he not been deceived and fallen. Isa. 7)
In this light, examine the way how Abraham conducted his affairs of life: it was life part required a lot of toil, but also part of divine providence, the blessings of God were always a result of his faith and obedience-God’s gifts thru divine intervention or miracles.
As an apostolic ministry sent from above, we are to impart a culture of faith, faithfulness and obedience on the side of offering, of gratitude towards God, duty towards God’s people, and the awareness of God’s providence, presence and favor or delight on the side of receiving, and of compassion and mercy, charity and Justice, honor and respect on the side of sharing.
Tithe was designed by God to enact such a culture in the practical ways of our individual lives as well as a people of God. It should never to treated lightly or be made subject to anyone’s personal experiences or expectation. The story of Cain and Abel in their way of worshiping God is given for a very good reason, which the spirit of greed or self-indulgence and the spirit of lack or poverty has veiled the minds of man throughout the ages in their practices of worshiping or serving God.
If we, as a remnant of God, are called to restore the culture of God back to the people of God, we will have to start with restoring the economy of God. And this economy or covenantal ways of God, lofty and universal as it is, starts actually with the small things or beginnings. It is the seed of greater things; and the pattern for God’s supernatural – He hold Himself personally responsible for our covenant blessings. This is a key for true generational blessings unto a people that He approves as His own.
In this light, I advise that it is time for such an economy be restituted in the midst of our ministries under our apostolic leadership. The guide was shared 3 years ago, now it is time for us to put it into practice.
Also, I am yet to be able to review the usages of our financial supports to you for various causes. Let us endeavor to produce very clear, personally responsible, formal financial reports to me before the end of this month. That will enable us to furnish further helps and begin to take it upon ourselves to help rebuild God’s economy with you all from the core and from ground up. To anyone resisting this or begrudgingly comply only, pls exclude him or her from any roles of leadership in spiritual and community affairs. We don’t want such a heart be on our team and minister with us in the Holy Name of God.
To be clear, our practice of tithe is not to be used to solicit financial support or add undue burdens to those who are unable or yet not willing. On the contrary, to the unable, we would in turn try to help; to the unwilling, we will exercise patience and understanding; but to the rebellious and unruly, we are to quick and stern to admonish, rebuke, and apply discipline, even judgment. There will be those who choose to act in a way that is dishonorable, dysfunctional, even perverse and repulsive in the light of the Name and the ways of God, let us never feel reluctant or guilty to deal such a character with good wisdom and a clear conscience in order to honor and hold ourselves accountable to God and our Lord for their entrustment. And you have my permission to educate, discipline, even expel such troublesome characters from your midst.
Also, this gives us no right to judge or interfere other ministries. Each leadership can only operate in the light they enjoy. As far as our relationships with them is concerned, if they are confident and faithfulness with whatever portion God entrusted them and are seeking Him with a pure heart and sincere faith. We will always be ready to embrace them as God’s beloved people, and ready to help, even partner in the work of the Lord. What a joy that will be!
Pls begin to bring such practical matters before your team and see to it that they be put in place from this year on. Do give me a direct and detailed report along the way.
Allow me also include others in this communication, so they be informed and get acquainted with the way how we operate as an apostolic leadership.
Now may the peace and goodness with you. Bring our greetings to all. Pls do take the time to give our dear Brother Fred and Brother Chris a hug. Tell them how much we appreciate them as you know well how we cherish and appreciate you two, honorable servants of the Most High! Also give the young lady a hug for me.
On Tithe and Fund Management (Written most likely by the end of 2018)
We will do so as follows:
1. We will encourage, but not require, every new believer (less than 3 years of having become a follower of Jesus Christ) to tithe of his or her, or the family’s net income at 10% to the ministry that he or she are associate with, individually or as a family unit.
2. We will require a seasoned believer (having been a follower of Jesus Christ for three or more years) to tithe of his or her, or the family’s net income at 10% to the ministry that he or she are associate with, individually or as a family unit.
3. A local body of Christ should endeavor to be legally organized as a non-profit or a church and also must have a general fund (ministerial fund) set up.
4. The usage of this general fund is designed to address various needs such as:
· Tithe to the oversight ministry
· Ministry of the Word of God
· Provide basic and modest standard of life (according to the local situation) of key ministers, who are to be certified or officiated in our network or ministry.
· Purchase of Bibles.
· Purchase, production and reproduction of biblical and spiritual teaching materials of various kinds.
· Help with children’s spiritual education, and related equipment and materials.
· Help to orphans and widows, as well as the poor and needy or others disadvantaged in life.
· Procure a church building(s) or discipleship center(s) as a gathering place for congregating or discipleship purposes under the guidance and approval of the congregation and/or the oversight ministry.
· Support the visiting ministers or other parts or regions of the body of Christ.
· Support needs of the local community at the discretion of local leadership under the guidance of the oversight ministry.
· Support those sent out to minister the Word of the Lord locally and in other regions.
5. As we anticipate layers of ministry and congregation, we will adopt and practice a “tiered-tithe” mechanism. The first tier will tithe 10% of their tithe income to the “oversight ministry and leadership”. This will allow each level of ministry and the ministers therein to be supported by those whom they labor for. It will also make provision for various ministerial endeavors and needs. This should always be carried out with godly and legal principles and guidelines.
6. Regional ministries and The Central Ministry will have oversight and discretion over the usage of funds from their respective tithe base. The main purpose here is to help to assist the poorer regions with the resources from the richer ones.
7. If a local or regional ministry is yet not ready or is not willing to submit to the tithe mechanism prescribed above. Their choice in the practice of tithe should WILL IN NO TERMS exclude or hinder them from participating in or being benefited from our efforts in terms of the “Ministry of the Word of God”. However, it would inevitably limit and impair our efforts, for reasons obvious, to engage with them along the lines of the “Ministry of Helps”. (Acts 6)
8. The practice of tithe will be officially put into effect starting January, 1, 2019.
9. All practices and organizations of such efforts should be under the guidance of biblical principles as given by our Lord Jesus Christ, the Early Apostles and those that are embodied spiritually in the Law of Moses.
10. With the practice of tithe, we will closely implement related spiritual accountability and ministerial oversight for ministries as well as on a personal level.
11. Notice the above instructions are only applicable to tithe in the forms of money, valuables, or equivalent assets or products that can be converted into monetary assets. Notice the above instructions are NOT applicable other forms of charitable or ministerial contributions and gifts.
Please contact brother Immanuel Sun for counsel and brother John Cochran for financial arrangements
A paise report from Sister Violet:
Brother, it was great to have fellowship with you few ahours ago…we were saying all brothers and sisters here agree with the apostolic direction in regard to tithing, how discipleship and local ministry will run here….the tithe will begin to come in February from 5th through 10th every month… We will be giving reports on time…
We also gave you a report that Kibabii university fraternity are very happy and grateful that their students have tremendous change which has given them easy time to teach, some were drug addict, home sexual and unchristian which was hurting their parents and the university leadership at large..the Vice university Chancellor send his greetings, he appreciates so much the sound teachings that has changed many people at the university, it was great to witness 700 students whose lives were charged from fanny live to a Christian life…. He said he is looking forward to speak to you next month, we will share the details on the same soon, we have been given two sessions a week to teach our materials with help of university leadership, l will be there as a volunteer to make sure they have the right teachings and also to monitor growth, l thank God for these big responsibility to God be the Glory!… please continue to lift me up in prayer for wisdom, knowledge and provisions on transport..
Then we prayed together brother….l think thats what we indeed discussion in summary…