I feel led to share one of my recent dreams.
Again, I was compelled to rest and pray today. It is interesting how many things I forgot when I woke up, but the Father has been constantly encourging me to rest and to trust in Him with all things. I think the same should be applicable to all of us. Indeed, the Son (Head and Body) can do nothing without the Father.
At one moment, it seems I saw the Father sitting on the throne, watching many of His people moving from left to right in His presence. In between was a chasm or something, which marked out as a different season in time, or sphere in the heavenly-they are somehow one and the same.
Many were fearful and hesitating, turning back to where they came from. Some would not take the one step even they are staying. Some made the transition, yet without true understanding or willingness. Only few was able to move without any hinderance, as if this was a most natural thing expected all along by them. (This very moment, the word mentioned by sister P. came to me: “Leap”.)
To the second group, I found this very interesting: how would they apprear to be no different from those who are willingly move forward, and were grouped with them. Then I understood that the Father is merciful and would have them move on so that they could be delievered from many troubles and helped by others.
But as if He knew my thought, He spoke to me concerning them: “They will have a sound, but not a voice.” I understood then that these were people seeking eagerly to “speak for Him”. Yet they had lost their place in representing Him. So what came out of their speech was merely their own “sound”.
How terrible it is to be found in such a place!
Again, the Lord stresses it in my heart about two things:
- “My sheep hears my voice.”
“Whoever the Son set free is free indeed.”
Love from a sincere heart and continue to do what is “right” and praiseworthy in His sight. This is the best safeguard for one’s soul.