(Edited by sister Cheryl Lowe.)
While in prayer in this morning, I was brought into a dream or vision.
I saw myself with someone beside me. We were facing a great number of people. They all seem to be young men, in their 20’s or 30’s, dressed in plain clothes, like those in the ancient Eastern times. I can’t see how large the army is. During the dream, my attention seems only drawn to the first row of them. They are lining up, as if in a military rally.
Obviously this is a solemn occasion. As I am curious what is going on (as an observer of myself in the dream), and what I am doing here, a very unusual scene begins to unfold. The man beside me, on my left side and a step behind, seems to have made a motion. With it, the first row of the men begin to unclothe themselves and expose their private parts. Looking at him, a commander of some sort, I see him begin to motion to me to move on with the procedure. I know I am to circumcise them one after another, from the right to the left. There seem to be so many, yet at the same time, I can only see the front line, the end of which I still can’t seem to see. Everyone seems to know what is happening and what to do, except me. I feel very strange to be placed in such an occasion.
As if out of intuition, I step forward to the right end to do my job. I begin to ask the Lord what this is, whether it is a thing from Him or not. He spoke to me about the occasion of “crossing over Jordan” in Joshua’s time. Before the celebration of the Passover, circumcisions were carried out by the Israelites. I was puzzled a bit because this year’s’ Passover has just passed.
Earlier in the morning, the Lord spoke to me about His People facing a spiritual “Jericho”. When I asked what that means, the Lord explained that it is many things combined together. Upon reflection, I can remember two:
- The grosser works of evil that will be unleashed into the world, that will cause great lawlessness and hopelessness amongst man. 2. The “turning cold” of many of the hearts of His own people because of fear and discouragement.
I am also further reminded that the picture of the “crossing over” is serving actively as an “example” or “pattern” of what God is doing in the Heavenlies, as foreseen in Revelations 12.