Let us pay attention to how God will expose and help us to eradicate the work of religious spirit in our midst after a heavy round of dealings with the “familiar” spirit-mindsets of self-love and self-centered way of life.
The spirit of Babylon, especially in the western world, erected and embodied by the modern day popular Christianity has two legs as a man or two pillars as a temple that strengthen and propagate each other amongst the unenlightened and the deceived. Another picture to look at it is like a tree with its two main stems in its root system.
It is unthinkable that when God deals with one, they will not be agitated or aroused to defend and protest each other. Much like the white dog and the black dog in Benji’s vision of warning. Or the tentacles of the octopus in Sister Kim’s vision. It is a many-headed creature. For it to die completely, every head has to be severed.
Many of our mindsets or strongholds are defaulted under such: sons (fruits) of Greece or Babylon; rather than sons of Zion. Be aware of the pride of the gifted but not crucified: God would not want a King Saul to help His people, but a David, who wholeheartedly longs for and diligently implements God’s holy requirements.
On another note: only the sons of Zion will be able to help to preserve and prepare (thru genuine discipleship) a pure and set-apart bride. Without such a holy equipment, we will only produce a defiled if not false bride. This is something today’s nominal and undisciplined Christian leaders still relentlessly insisting to put their hope and stake in: a land cursed and only good for thorns and thistles. They are the problem, not the solution.
The day of judgement for the nominal christianity is at hand. It indeed has come like the days of Noah: its flood of confusion and delusion, pride and defiance is already here. Many will be washed away.
At the same time, God will raise up a standard of holiness and wisdom: a strange (unexpected) people with “strange speech” (the ancient ways of God which will be expressed without human reasonings and intrigues).
Time for the remnant for be forged is with some of us. Let us examine ourselves: to which body we really belong and be ever watchful as we should in this world of lawlessness and corruption. ( Matt. 25-26). And let us embrace the impact. For further separation from the unwilling and unbelieving and greater expansion of the wise and devoted is yet ahead of us.