Note by Immanuel:
The following is transcribed from an audio recording. I also attached the prophetic word shared by Sister Nicole Lacasse with me in the same email. I certainly am privileged by such an encouragement and insightfulness embedded in these precious prophetic “gifts”. And I strongly feel the word and the vision are more than for my personal application. It is evident that its calling and its hope are speaking to a greater body of Christ, not even limited by our own fellowship. Unlike with many other prophetic words or visions, I feel obligated to share it openly as an edification to us all.
Fire in a dark place
Sun started a fire
This is a vision I saw for (Immanuel) Sun on Oct. 18. There was a dark room. It was pitch black. And I saw Sun holding what looks like a candle of fire in his hand. It is just like what you use to start a fire. And he was holding it close to his mouth to blow on it to make the firelight even more and more. As he blew on it, the little pieces of ignition were blown into a fire in front of him that stood up 6 to 7 feet tall. And inside of this fire were writings.
A Fish
And this first thing that I saw was actually was a fish and he took a part of this substance, the writing, and fire. And he put it into this little fin and he started to go forth. And it was like he was going against his current. And he was going with all his might. He sort of went up and looked back around and tried again. Went up and looked back around and tried again. This is the process he was going through.
And I saw again coming to the fire and taking some and going out was about 5 to 7. It looks like worms or caterpillars that something moves slowly, going out all directions, taking a part of this word. And it was going out, slowly out into all directions.
A Gaint Warrior
And then the third person I saw that came and took from this fire was a huge giant. He was thick, strong, and just massive, definitely a giant. And he took out of the fire almost what looks like these writings in book form. And he began to go through it, just thumb through it. And after he did this, he actually fell down, dead.
Behide the Scene
And after this, this is in the same place, but something different happend that is sort of behind of what is going on.
Earth is made to be a light
I saw the earth. The earth was sort of covered…Let me… It was small and low to the ground. In comparison with this fire, it wasn’t even a quarter of this size of the fire. But…yes… So the earth was sort of like lit up with fire a little bit, but it was scorched. It was covered and scorched. And this hand came and this black nail came. And it scratched this surface of this earth. And it was scratching all around this. And the earth, after it was all scratched up, came out as a bright light.
Three ways how the earth is changed
And before the vision moved on. The Lord showed me this in three ways. He showed me the earth being scraped away from the black, charcoal-type of substance around the earth. And then he showed me two more ways. He showed me an apple on a peeler. This is this machine that you put an apple on. And it peers off the apple of the outer layer off. If you use as a tool. I don’t if you are familiar with this object. I might have to explain it. This is just an apple peeler. You put an apple on the stick to just take the outside of the apple. You move it with your arm and that is how it comes off. And the third thing that I saw was-if you ever see this slow-motion video if a balloon is filled with water and they put a pin to it and the outer balloon popped and the water actually stays solid. They do it in slow motion so you can see that. You can’t see it with the naked eye but when it slows down in slow motion. You put a pin to the balloon and the water that stays inside of the balloon stays in this form a second, or nano-second. But that is what it looks like in slow motion. So all these three things were shown to me.
Two ways how the earth is snatched away its light
Then afterward, you came around this side of this earth that was scrapped away, like a light, the light of a sun. It was very clear that it was the light of the Sun. Still in a low position. And you put a black wire waste paper basket over it and it took the light out of it.
And the Lord showed me this in two ways. He showed me that way. And he showed you put it into this, sort of this bag. It reminds me of a bowling ball bag that you shining a bowling ball. It looks like a cloth, like linen with two handles on it. And it also showed that you put this light out with this cloth-like linen thing.

The earth is lifted up to be a light of glory
And afterward, after the light was put out, you took the ball, which is the earth. You put it up into the air. It was high above now. It was shining and it was beautiful. It had the light like the glory of God on it. It was a shining light that was, not like the Sun, but it was a different light. It was all lit up. It was sparkling. It was beautiful.
Nicole LaCasse – Prophetic Word for Immanuel – 10.18.2020
Son of the Most High God ,
There is being full of light and there is foolish light. You are not of the latter. Rise to the official position of a priest in my counsel. Hold high this stately order that princes are accustomed to.
Dignitaries long to look into things that I portioned for you. Tread lightly over foreign policies given out by human hands declaring rights by which they have no right.
Carry with you the right to possess even the things of which angels look into. Possess high callings, rich blessings, and answered prayers. Far have you reached to see Me and to know me, wide is your love for Me. Rich is your blessing. My son, take hold of what’s been given to you. Right standing with the Son of God.
Cherish the one who longs to know Me, guide them, hide them in your heart. Protect the words I speak to them under lock and key. Protect the insight they long to hear. You are the ring bearer, the one who holds the rings and takes them to the beloved and His bride to unite them as one.
As this is no small task I offer you joy that is set before you. Time to nourish and rebuild. I offer you solace. Take courage take heart. You captivate me, My son.