Standing Firm in Such a Time as This
Immanuel Sun talks about standing firm in times of great trouble and strife. Moses, Aaron and Samuel are examples of leaders that had a very difficult life. Christian life is not supposed to be easy, as many false doctrines advocate surrounding the so-called “Prosperity Gospel”. We must learn to always rise up to a challenging occasion, unconcerned about the costs to ourselves and what man may think. Immanuel harkens an encouraging battle cry in this meeting to rise up and endure the day of struggle.
Some of the Brothers Jackson and William share a vision that each saw. Brother Jackson saw a vision of glittering gold that was very shiny and pure and Jesus was holding it. Brother William saw a vision of two trains going at different speeds. Brother Stephen, new to the meetings, saw Jesus in a vision handing him a Bible.
Kenya Fellowship Meeting – September 9, 2017
Kingdom Age
Port Angeles, WA
Olympic Peninsula
Audio Only Version: