I was sitting out in my yard and the wind began to blow against the leaves. The frequency of sound was a bit different and it reminded me of the sound of a waterfall cascading down the side of a mountain. It was the kind of sound that is vast and encompassing, yet you gravitate toward it because it brings comfort. Intrigued, I pressed into the Lord and asked if He was speaking to me. Immediately I began to have a vision. This vision is difficult to describe as I saw 3 realms at the same time. In the upper realm, I saw the throne of God, with a big pooI of water encircling it. I’ve seen this same place in many visions and the water always has been multidimensional and colorful. This time, I saw the hand of God reach down to the waters and stir them with his index finger. I realized the sound I was hearing was His finger stirring the waters.
The middle realm was completely dark and began to move over the lower realm where there is a small tree growing upside down. As if able to sense the coming storm, the little tree begins to send several taproots deep down toward the pool of water. Not all of the roots go down this deep, but they spread out as if content with the water source in the soil.
As the roots pass the middle realm, it is completely dark, except the path lit for each root. Several of the roots pass through this realm, and hit the deep reservoir in the water.
The roots continue to spread upward, the branches of the tree form a mirror image.
As the roots are saturated with water, the water flows back down the paths like many rushing rivers.
The water nourishes the tree whose leaves spread out in a canopy and drip with the colorful water.
This is a call to deepen your dedication to the Lord. The cost is high, but the rewards are eternal.
The old is passing away and shifting to give way to an elevated level of function in the household of Sons.
Those emptied and prepared for His purposes will be seen rising into the fullness of the glory of the Lord.
Just as in the days of Noah, we are corporately being called to step forward into the unknown, to construct and cultivate something altogether new, for He is about to unleash the fountains of the deep.
This extends beyond what we can perceive in the natural and it goes beyond our individual lives.
The Father has been tempering and shaping the hearts of those who will completely surrender their lives, allowing His life to flow through them and becoming the expression of His love on earth.
There is a higher consecration required to receive the discernment and wisdom needed for the days ahead.
The depth of our commitment has a direct correlation to how we will be used in this time.
The darkness that encroaches over our land must be percieved with a new lense.
There is a vast and intense conflict raging in the unseen world to capture the minds of those called.
It’s an upside down Kingdom.
The impending storm is a deliberate force, purposed to establish divine order, both internally and externally.
Adversity is given to reveal your true nature, serving as a reflection of your inner kingdom and testing its strength.
This is not the time succumb to fear or passivity, but to press in. The Father longs to give you His heart. But, we can have no false motive, only seeking the glory of God.
What you focus on and immerse yourself in, the affections of your heart, have a profound impact on your character and actions.
Nothing will remain hidden.
If you want to be a useful vessel for the Lord in the day ahead, crack open your heart and allow the Spirit to show you the areas where you still cling to your own life. Repent, and allow Him to transform your perceptions and the patterns of your natural mind. These mindsets will lend you useless for what is coming.
The challenges will uncover the true values within your heart. Will you falter under the pressure, succumbing to selfish desires and motives, or will you submit to the refining and purification, like gold tested by fire?
Our natural human capacity is too limited for what God has in store. It extends beyond your life.
Lay down the lower man and you will be brought into a higher reality that brings peace and freedom.
“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”
Psalms 34:18 NIV
When we find our pleasure in Him and His ways, it releases a frequency that touches His heart.
When we find joy in His ways, with no agenda or ideology of our own and no allegiance to human affections, it releases a frequency to His heart.
Let your deep need and desire cry out to His deep love and mercy!
The Father longs for our intimacy so that He can dispense Himself in a living way, into every part of the corporate body, until we overflow with His living water.
It’s only when we are confined to His will, in complete submission, that He will open up the relational dimensions where the profoundness of His divine wisdom and understanding can be expressed.
There is no limitation to what He can and will do when we are completely emptied out for His purposes.
Your portion is needed. It’s the individual submission and death the old man that will set in motion one new corporate priesthood.
Every Son carries a vital and unique role that must be revealed in unique ways, by the Father.
As we draw near, we are called to surrender all our perceptions and expectations, so that He can fill us with His.
As His Word becomes living and active in each one, fulfilling the purpose for which we were called, we increasingly become a visible collective expression of His love, in an unseen realm. What is invisible becomes visible.
All of creation is groaning for this to take place.
The Father’s heart says, “I am unleashing the fountains of the deep. I am taking control and will establish authority in the earth, through my assembled people.”
Convergence will come from the realm of Jesus Christ and take authority over the nations by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit.
From our bellies will flow fountains of living water, exercising righteous dominion and stewardship over the external circumstances.
Our decisions will reflect justice, compassion, integrity and purity in the way we relate to one another and manage the resources we have been given.
We will lead by example, preparing the way for our King of Glory to be unveiled before the World.
“Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me.”
Psalms 42:7 NIV
“Then he said to them, “Be diligent to understand the meaning behind everything you hear, for as you do, more understanding will be given to you. And according to your longing to understand, much more will be added to you. For those who listen with open hearts will receive more revelation. But those who don’t listen with open hearts will lose what little they think they have!””
Mark 4:24-25 TPT
“Empty out of my heart everything that is false— every lie, and every crooked thing. And give me neither undue poverty nor undue wealth— but rather, feed my soul with the measure of prosperity that pleases you.”
Proverbs 30:8 TPT
“God conceals the revelation of his word in the hiding place of his glory. But the honor of kings is revealed by how they thoroughly search out the deeper meaning of all that God says. The heart of a king is full of understanding, like the heavens are high and the ocean is deep.”
Proverbs 25:2-3 TPT
“The source of revelation-knowledge is found as you fall down in surrender before the Lord. Don’t expect to see glory until the Lord sees your sincere humility.”
Proverbs 15:33 TPT
“For this is what the high and majestic one says, the one who fills the eternal realm with glory, whose name is Holy: “I dwell in high and holy places but also with the bruised and lowly in spirit, those who are humble and quick to repent. I dwell with them to revive the spirit of the humble, to revive the heart of those who are broken over their sin.”
Isaiah 57:15 TPT
“If you [claim ignorance and] say, “See, we did not know this,” Does He not consider it who weighs and examines the hearts and their motives? And does He not know it who guards your life and keeps your soul? And will He not repay [you and] every man according to his works?”
Proverbs 24:12 AMP
Isaiah 58