Immanuel Sun
(Edited at 02/23/2016)
(Edited by Noah Pinson on 04/05/2020)
The excitement and resounding cry of this day from the hearts of God’s people continues to carry a sense of mixture, confusion, and an unwillingness to yield. This is especially evident in those who maintain an assumed place of leadership; those who belong to the “older generation”. These tend to default themselves as not only voices for the new things to come, but also as those who will bring these things into reality. The truth is that they are not necessarily given the grace to do either. For a new generation is rising (as prophesied in Psalm 24 and 110) that will, like Jesus and His Disciples, be presented by the Father as builders of the Latter House under the Order of Melchizedek; and as the ark in the Heavenly Place is revealed through them to establish a “New Kingdom Order” in the midst of God’s people, the lawless one will also reveal those with him, entrusted by Satan, to establish a “New World Order”.
Three steps will unfold this reality. Even now we are already in this “New Day”.
- New grace and power will come with a new temperament of the work of the Holy Spirit. This time, it will not merely be through gifts or manifestations of spiritual power, as many have misinterpreted as the “latter rain”. Rather, it will be an outpouring of God’s heart of love and the establishment of His divine authority and power. Only those who have been taught of the Kingdom of God will be qualified to receive this anointing. These will become the new priesthood as God renews His covenant with His people. At this stage, through spiritual empowerment and preparation, His sons will be given the revelation of the hidden things of the past and be taught with God’s wisdom. Great mysteries of the heavenly tabernacle and God’s divine order in His house and in His Kingdom will be entrusted to them so that they may disciple others. This was prophesied by Daniel when he said “the wise will teach many”, and is also mentioned in many other biblical prophecies.
- The Kingdom of Heaven (in the Eternal Realm) will invade the angelic realm. War will happen in this realm, and Satan will be cast out. The Lord of Hosts will rise up and dismantle Satan’s authority in this realm, beginning the judgment of fire. New angelic forces will be empowered and issued forth to accomplish this. This is what John saw in Revelation 12 and 13. The Kingdom of Christ will begin to reign. The final war will befall the earthly realm. This is also mentioned by Paul in his second letter to the Thessalonians when he mentioned that a “spirit of restraint” or “power that holds back” will be taken away so that the Evil One can more freely invade the earthly realm and prey upon the minds and spirits of man. This will come with signs and wonders in the heavenly places; however, many whose spiritual eyes have been blinded will not see nor understand them. Having placed their interests in the wrong places, they will be preoccupied with their own foolish pursuits.
- Judgment will come to God’s own house and to the world. The story of the ten virgins will literally be fulfilled. In the days to come, one of the greatest rebukes God will pronounce concerning western Christianity is the misleading of the present-day apostolic and prophetic movement. Not only has it misrepresented God’s intention and goodness towards the Lost and towards His Church (His Bride), but it has also muddled the pure water and squandered the good pasture that God had taken great care to provide for His people. In reality, they have kindled some strange fires in the House of God, thereby disqualifying themselves for any future services. Those who repent and learn to yield to the new order of God’s Kingdom will bear the Spirit of Elijah and be given the task to tear down the established order as a continued stream of God’s grace, and another generation of God’s servants will be raised up in the meantime. Indeed, such a dispensation of God’s grace is not decided by a man’s age, but by his heart as a product of God’s sovereign choice according to His eternal election, like the heart of David.
The normal train of thought, as a result of self-righteousness and a lack of vision concerning God’s plan for this age, will lead some to justify their own positions and usefulness. A sober warning has to be trumpeted out so that the people of God will not be confused when this “new order” is introduced in their midst.
The danger is imminent and judgment is impending. Confusion will come when the understanding of the order and process of this judgment is not clearly wrought in the minds and hearts of the leadership of this day (Ezekiel 33).
The danger is imminent and judgment is impending. Confusion will come when the understanding of the order and process of this judgment is not clearly wrought in the minds and hearts of the leadership of this day (Ezekiel 33). The righteous will no longer be counted as righteous when they refuse to repent, nor the wicked as wicked when they choose to repent.
Judgment starts in God’s own house, yet never without first having secured and refined a remnant as the priesthood to restore things of old and issue forth the new things (Matthew 13:37-52). This judgment will be directed towards the following:
- Firstly, the new leadership (not the false), the new generation of this day, will endure the cleansing water and the refining furnace.
- Secondly, the old leadership will face the winnowing fork and the dividing sword.
- Thirdly, the false leadership will suffer the burning fire.
- Finally, the religious establishments of the world will be consumed by the earthquake and the flood.
At the same time, there will be a new wave for the preaching and teaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom. This will, in turn, produce a glorious people, provided for and established by God Himself as His true representation amidst a crooked and corrupt generation.
Additionally, in this latter trend, two streams of God’s dealings will come forward: first as a separation, then as a reunion.
One is the desolate woman who escaped into the wilderness of the world; the other is the son who was snatched up (caught up or led captive in the train of His glory) into heaven. This company of sons, while they are still in the world, will be entrusted with the new order for the ministry of the “new covenant”, just as the early disciples were. They will return to deliver their mother, as was prophesied in Isaiah 62: “…so will your sons marry you”.
As an earthly manifestation of these heavenly things, we will witness the exposure of the false traditions of western Christianity as a foolish virgin. As a result, it will lose its leadership and voice in the body of Christ, as well as in the world. At the same time, the Holy Spirit will come like a mighty rain, soaking the drylands of the “east” as prophesied in Isaiah 65. The Lord will reveal Himself to a people who have not called upon His Name, and they will be His people and He will be their God.
A remnant, however, will be equipped with Heavenly Wisdom and Kingdom Authority. These will transfer God’s faithful ones to the sanctuaries that God will establish in the eastern nations in the midst of the decline of western culture and prosperity. God will nullify the craftiness of man and again exalt the simplicity of life while war and famine are released on larger scales and in greater regions.
Many will argue concerning the nature of this “new order”, the new covenant, and its priesthood. They are not simply new, but ancient and eternal. The newness is brought about by the initiation of new grace from God for the end-time church for its endowment upon a new generation. This generation will consist of those who are willing to answer their heavenly call and who have volunteered for the battle that rages between the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of light.
The newness is brought about by the initiation of new grace from God for the end-time church for its endowment upon a new generation. This generation will consist of those who are willing to answer their heavenly call and who have volunteered for the battle that rages between the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of light.
Why a new day? A day implies an age and all ages are already wrought in God’s plan. But in the end, He will reign in and through His people, who are His true dwelling place. Indeed, the Ancient of Days will come and seat Himself upon His Throne.
This order, as it is disclosed even now, is bringing forth a New Day in God’s eternal plan. It is calling forth a new generation of sons to be discipled, empowered, revealed, and established for service in the House of God the Father and in the Kingdom of Christ the Son.
Just as the Kingdom is for the House of God, so the city of Jerusalem is for the Temple on Mount Zion, Moses was for the young generation who were to possess the Land, Elijah was for the revival of the Davidic Kingdom, John the Baptist was for Jesus and His Disciples; for indeed, the old is for the new. The Spirit of Elijah will rest upon the hearts of many amongst the older generation to prepare the way for the new generation to come, as the hearts of the fathers turn to their children and the children to their fathers.
But the children will not find the heart of the Father from an old economy of God’s grace. Rather, through the Son and by the Spirit of Sonship, they will be invited to the table of the Father in Heaven and be taught there. Sons will choose to be servants and to invite others to the Father in Heaven. They will not exalt themselves as a replacement of the Heavenly Father in the House of God, but will serve under a full trust given by the Father and will teach and disciple others the way of the Father in His House and the way of the King in His Kingdom.
The Lord told us to be mindful of this time, especially as the end draws near. I hope my sharing will add to some of your insight concerning the Kingdom of God. Be blessed.